Thursday, August 21, 2008

In The Beginning...

This Blog is being set up to facilitate communications between any Architectural Intern who has been or is planning on taking the ARE 4.0 Exams for their licence.

I have started a study group consisting of about 12 people who are now preparing to take our first exam (mine is scheduled for September 11, 2008 (scary music)) and we have decided to begin with the Programming Planning and Practice. Starting mid September we will begin studying for the Building Systems exam next. We are planning on taking the exams every 4-6 weeks depending on the amount of studying we feel we need to prepare.

I am hoping that with this blog we can begin some more conversations about preparing and taking the exams. We can share tips and tricks that we are using to prepare as well as share our experiences with taking the exams (no posting of exam questions please). Hopefully, working together, we can all succeed and pass the exams and begin our lives as licenced architects.

I hope this will be of help to you and I really hope that you can help me.

Good Luck